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Derek Davis’ new English edition of Pushkin’s ’A Journey to Arzrum’ during the campaign of 1829

October 25, 2022
In person or on zoom (please register with Matty Bradley at

Royal Asiatic Society, 14 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD

’The Royal Asiatic Society’s Journal Supplement Journey to Arzrum is the result of many years’ engagement with Asia, during which Pushkin has been a constant travel-companion (hamrahi/sputnik),’ writes Derek Davis in the Royal Asiatic Society’s blog.

’In retirement I turned back to Arzrum, realising by then that this was a pivotal moment in history which brought British India and Russia face to face in Persia and Ottoman Turkey. It cast the die for an Asian rivalry which would be played back from India to London as Russian inheritance of Napoleon’s “threat to India”…’

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