Mindfulness Beyond Borders with Sara Hirtenstein presents the Mindfulness for Life 8-week course, newly developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.
The MCBT for Life 8-week Course builds up skills to establish resilience, appreciation and flourishing in daily life. Suitable for everyone, in small groups. Contemporary, evidence-based course from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.
Sara Hirtenstein BHSc is a UK Listed Mindfulness Teacher with a Health Professional background in occupational therapy and over 30 years experience of meditation, retreat & group work, 10 years practice of mindfulness and 7 years running courses in the Borders.
The course consists of 8 evening classes,1 day session & course materials, with generous concessions for those on low income
Cost: £130
To find out more and to book please contact Sara on 07738 098305 or sara@mindfulnessbeyondborders.co.uk