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After the Earthquakes

Turkish Elections, Politics and Foreign Policy in 2023

June 8, 2023
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (UK time)

London School of Economics, MAR1.08, The Marshall Building

This event will explore the consequences of the 6 February 2023 earthquakes for Turkish society, politics, and foreign policy. The 7.6–7.8 magnitude earthquakes that impacted the southern regions in Turkey were inhabited by more than 15 million people. As a result of the quakes, more than 50,000 people died, 2.5 million people were displaced and nearly 250,000 buildings collapsed. The earthquake’s economic loss was estimated to be around 4% of Turkey’s GDP.

While the scale of the disaster is well-known, its potential impact on Turkish society and politics is still underexplored. With this in mind, the speakers will discuss to what extent the earthquakes made an impact on the May 2023 general election outcomes, how civil society and state-society relations were influenced by the earthquake and the subsequent relief efforts, and whether Turkish foreign policy changed as a result of expressions of international solidarity.

For the in-person event: No ticket or pre-registration is required. Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis.

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