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Müzikterapi: Nihavent Makamı

Music and health series 1

TÜMATA The Traditional Turkish Music Research and Promotion Society, Dr Rahmi Oruç Güvenç
Published by Tumata
£9.99 / $12.86 / €11.85 ($/€ approx)

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Sign: Capricorn (Sagittarius)
Group: Earth, Fire

Planet: Saturn, Jupiter
A hot-dry tonality. Effective in the afternoon. Yellow bile is linked to diurnal and male. Blood circulation is effective on the abdomen, hips, thighs and legs. It is beneficial for back pain and tension disorders. It gives a sense of strength and peace. There is important information that it is effective on mental illnesses. It is one of the oldest authorities.

TUMATA was founded in 1976 by Asst. Prof. Dr. Rahmi Oruç Güvenç, to research the birth of Turkish music and promote its repertory and rich variety of instruments. Tumata is developing research in music therapy based on the healing tonalities of early Turkic music.

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