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Hungarian-Turkish Year of Culture: Róza Radnóti

September 26, 2024
Tickets from Biletix: 500 TL | 450 TL | Students: 200 TL

Naval Museum, Deniz Müzesi, Sinanpaşa Mh., 34353 Beşiktaş/Istanbul, Turkey

The fourth in the series of recitals by Hungarian pianists at the Beşiktaş Naval Museum, organised by the Hungarian Cultural Centre in conjunction with ‘Artisan Sanat’. Róza Radnóti’s programme begins with the Andante from In the Mists by the highly original Czech composer Leoš Janáček (1854–1928). It will then continue with Mozart’s Fantasia No 3 in D minor (K 397), the same composer’s Piano Sonata No 9 in D major (K 311), Schubert’s Impromptu No 1 in C minor from his ever-popular Four Impromptus (D 899), and a selection of works from Franz Liszt’s masterwork Années de Pèlerinage: Sposalizio (the first piece in the second suite, which is entitled ‘Italy’), Eglogue (No 7 of ‘Switzerland’, the first suite), Les Cloches de Genève (No 9 of ‘Switzerland’) and Vallée d’Obermann (No 6 of ‘Switzerland’). JSD

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