Contact: Joy Parker
Website: Go to website
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The Funeral Ghosts

Collaborative workshops

February 13, 2022
Sunday at 11am and at 3pm
Free workshops but booking essential as numbers are limited to 8 per session.
To reserve your place please email Joy Parker:

Unit Four: The Cornucopia Room, 4 Towerdykeside, Hawick TD9 9EA

Discover the excitement of creating something unique by working collaboratively with a partner.
The old Shetland Island folk tale of the funeral ghosts will be the starting-point for creating a work using words and printed images.
The words will not be captions to the pictures, and the pictures won’t illustrate the words. You will collaborate to create a single piece in which text and image will interact dynamically.
Your tutors will be the artist Joy Parker and the writer Robert Leach who have collaborated on many works, most recently a month long project in Shetland culminating in the book and the exhibition The Cockatrice’s Egg.

Participants can come with a partner, or choose a partner when they arrive.

Supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland.

Contact: Joy Parker
Website: Go to website ......
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